The battery management system is the brain of the battery pack. It is a set of electronics that surveys and manages all of the battery’s performance. This system keeps the battery from operating outside of its safety margins.

BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Waneroo is a technology dedicated to the battery pack, which is an assembly of battery cells, electrically organized in a row and column matrix configuration to enable the delivery of a targeted range of voltage and current for a duration of time against expected load scenarios.
The battery management system includes :-
(1) Monitoring battery
(2) Providing battery protection
(3) Assessing the battery’s operational state
(4) Constantly optimizing battery performance
(5) Reporting operational status to external devices
How does this system work ?
Battery management systems do not have a fixed or unique set of criteria. The technology design scope and implemented features generally correlate with :
(1) Costs, complexity, and size of the battery pack
(2) Application of the battery and any safety
(3) Lifespan and warranty concerns
(4) Certification requirements from various government regulations
(5) The battery management system scans individual cells in the battery pack. It calculates how much current can go safely in and come out without damaging the battery. This protects the battery pack from cell voltages getting too high or low. It helps to increase the battery’s longevity.
(6) It also monitors the remaining charge in the battery. It tracks the amount of energy entering and leaving the battery pack and monitors cell voltages. It uses data to know when the battery is drained and shut the battery down.
Protections offered by battery management system :
[1] Under and over-voltage :
Damage occurs when overcharging or over-discharge a lithium-ion battery cell. The BMS helps to protect from under and over-voltage situations so that damage to the battery’s cells does not occur.
[2] Extreme temperatures :
The safety and stability of lithium-ion battery cells depend on temperature maintenance. If the temperature exceeds the critical level on either end, thermal runaway can occur. This can lead to an inextinguishable fire.
The BMS monitors the temperature and sometimes controls cooling fans to help maintain proper conditions.
[3] Protection from shorts :
Internal and external shorts lead to thermal runaway. Protection from shorts is a critical component of a battery management system.
[4] Keep the battery with the BMS :
Lithium-ion battery cells and conditions must be monitored, managed and balanced to ensure safety and optimal longevity and efficiency. The battery management system is the primary component in the battery pack that monitors all of these conditions.
The battery management system has three primary roles :
[1] Identify faults and weaknesses in the battery bank early so maintenance and replacement can be done in a safe and orderly way.
[2] Ensure the battery bank is maintained in an optimum environment to maximize performance and life.
[3] Provide operators with confidence there is sufficient battery capacity to maintain systems for the designated time.

Reach out to us at Ace Mobile Auto Electrics the professionals properly check, maintain, and repair all the electrical parts of the car. The BMS balances the charge across the cells to keep each cell functioning at maximum capacity. We provide the best Local Auto Electrician in Perth who comes to the rescue whenever it is needed.